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Author: Bradley Groene

Felony drug deal of pharmaceuticals

When Do Ohio Drug Charges Become Felonies?

01.05.2023 in Drugs, Legal Blog

Ohio drug laws have changed significantly over the past few years, reflecting a shifting attitude toward drug crime and addiction. Like many states, Ohio has emphasized addressing drug-related issues, like dispensing less severe punishments for minor drug offenses, increasing access to expungement, and offering treatment…

Self checkout machine

Ohio Shoplifting Charges at Self-Checkout

21.04.2023 in Legal Blog, Theft

Shoplifting is one of the most common crimes in America. And with self-checkouts becoming increasingly common in all types of retail and grocery stores, shoplifting continues to rise by 10% a year. Due to the minimal human oversight at these stations, it’s easy for someone…

Glass of amber alcohol next to car keys and gavel

FAQs about Ohio DUI Classes

10.04.2023 in DUI

A DUI can be intimidating, with consequences like jail and hefty fines. However, there are alternatives to jail time for a DUI, including Ohio DUI classes. These driver intervention programs help people improve their safety knowledge and skills while giving drivers a second chance. Common…

Glasses on a domestic violence case file

Can a Domestic Violence Charge Be Expunged in Ohio?

27.03.2023 in Domestic Violence

Domestic violence may be expunged or sealed from a criminal record in some limited situations in Ohio. However, recent changes in Ohio law impact the ability to expunge or seal a record when domestic violence is involved. Understanding your options as early as possible is…

Bradley Groene made an exceptionally difficult situation much easier to handle. He kept me informed of everything that was going to happen and got results for my case far better than I could have hoped for. I would highly recommend him for anyone who finds themselves in legal troubles.