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Author: Bradley Groene

Man in orange jumpsuit being led to jail cell

How to Locate Someone Who Was Arrested in Cincinnati

23.04.2019 in Criminal Defense

It can be a nerve-wracking experience when a friend, family member, or loved one gets arrested. The first step is to find out where they are. There are resources available online, but locating someone who was arrested is still more difficult than you might expect….

Flashing police lights at night

What You Need to Know about Ohio’s DUI Checkpoints

24.07.2018 in DUI, Legal Blog

DUI checkpoints are places on the road where police stop traffic to check driver sobriety. Sometimes known as mobile checkpoints or roadblocks, these stops are general checks and are not inspired by a specific call or report. The location of a DUI checkpoint is chosen…

Handcuffs next to car keys and alcohol

Most Common OVI Defense Strategies in Ohio

10.07.2018 in Legal Blog, OVI

If you are pulled over and arrested for operating a vehicle impaired (OVI), then you may have questions about what to do next. The situation can be stressful, and you are likely worried about losing your license, being able to drive to and from work…

Gavel and scales in front of books

How to Choose a Cincinnati Criminal Defense Attorney

08.06.2018 in Criminal Defense

If you or a loved one are being investigated for a crime, you should immediately contact a Cincinnati criminal defense attorney who can make sure your rights remain respected throughout the legal process. Criminal investigations and trials can be complex. It’s best to contact a…

Bradley Groene made an exceptionally difficult situation much easier to handle. He kept me informed of everything that was going to happen and got results for my case far better than I could have hoped for. I would highly recommend him for anyone who finds themselves in legal troubles.