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Author: Bradley Groene

Recording the Police on Camera

15.12.2014 in Legal Blog

Recently, the trend of recording police making arrests or conducting traffic stops to see if officers do something embarrassing has become very popular. Many people have gained internet notoriety for these videos. Unfortunately, many people have also been arrested. In general, it is technically legal…

Drug Trafficking Reduced, Possession Charge Dismissed

09.12.2014 in 2014, December, Drugs

We recently helped a man in his mid-20s avoid serious drug convictions. Originally charged with drug trafficking, a fourth-degree felony, he was extremely concerned about his future. We took the case to the grand jury and he was only indicted on possession of marijuana (a…

Top 10 Tips for a Safe Halloween

29.10.2014 in DUI, Legal Blog

Halloween is a time for fun games, costumes, and parties, not just for kids, but for adults too. It can be relaxing to spend the weekend dressing up in creative costumes and sharing some drinks with friends. Unfortunately, Halloween celebrations can often get out of…

How Common is DNA Evidence?

21.10.2014 in Criminal Defense, Legal Blog

It’s the time of year when fall shows are starting back up, and if you watch any TV at all, you probably can name at least several popular crime-solving shows. These shows are great for making people aware of their rights when arrested, which is…

Bradley Groene made an exceptionally difficult situation much easier to handle. He kept me informed of everything that was going to happen and got results for my case far better than I could have hoped for. I would highly recommend him for anyone who finds themselves in legal troubles.