Practice Areas

Robbery, Burglary, and Trespassing

Let us defend you & protect your future. Call LHA right away at (513) 338-1890 to schedule a free consultation.

Charged with robbery, burglary, or trespassing? You face some of the most serious penalties in the Ohio criminal legal system. If convicted, you will face charges ranging from a misdemeanor to a felony. You will likely serve extensive jail or prison time, be responsible for paying exorbitant fines and fees, and have a damaged reputation due to a permanent criminal record.

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Learn how the Cincinnati burglary and trespassing defense attorneys at Luftman, Heck & Associates can fight your charges and defend you to the best possible outcome. Call us today at (513) 338-1890 for a free confidential case evaluation today.

Crimes You May Be Charged With In Ohio

  • Robbery – Taking another person’s property from their possession or against their will through the use of force or inciting fear is considered robbery. The use of force could entail the use of a deadly weapon, which is any kind of weapon that is capable of causing death such as a knife, hand grenade, or gun. A robbery conviction in Ohio typically results in harsh, unforgiving penalties and consequences.
  • Burglary – If you intend to commit a crime and trespass into some kind of building, structure, or home, you may be charged with burglary. Burglary is different than other criminal charges like robbery, criminal trespass, and grand theft in that the offender does not have to participate in committing a crime inside a building to be charged. A burglary is prosecuted as a felony in Ohio.
  • Criminal Trespass – Criminal trespass entails knowingly or recklessly entering the property of another without the owner’s permission. There are a number of circumstances that specifically comprise the act of criminal trespass in Ohio. An experienced Cincinnati criminal defense attorney can help you understand charges against you and start to build your defense
  • Grand Theft – Grand theft falls under the general definition of theft offenses. Theft in Ohio is defined as anyone who has the intention or purpose to deprive another person of their property or service by knowingly obtaining or exerting control through a number of circumstances.

Facing criminal charges? Contact our Cincinnati burglary and trespassing defense attorneys today.

If you have been charged with robbery, burglary, or criminal trespass, you need an experienced attorney to mitigate the consequences you face. Learn how the Cincinnati burglary and trespassing defense attorneys at Luftman, Heck & Associates can help you. Don’t hesitate to contact us at (513) 338-1890 or email us at