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Failure to Register as a Sex Offender Attorney in Cincinnati, Ohio

Failure to register is a serious allegation. Let us protect your rights. Call LHA at (513) 338-1890 to schedule a free consultation.

Charged with Failure to Register? We Can Help.

When you are supposed to register as a sex offender, it is natural to wonder if there are ways you could slip through the cracks or live your life off the radar. However, if you try to live and work without registering as the law requires, you will likely get caught and face additional fines and incarceration. Additionally, if you do not take the time to fully understand registration laws, you are likely to make a mistake. You might fail to register in the county where you take college classes or you might not notify the sheriff’s office of a new phone number. Small mistakes can be considered failure to register as a sex offender in Ohio, leading to serious consequences.

At Luftman, Heck & Associates, we have represented many individuals charged with failing to register. No matter how this offense arose, our Cincinnati sex crimes lawyers will do everything they can to defend against these charges and help you avoid additional penalties. Call us today at (513) 338-1890.

Common Examples of Failure to Register

The offense of failing to register as a sex offender does not necessarily arise because you chose to ignore your responsibilities or tried to get around the law. Mistakes in registration also lead to this charge and its harsh consequences.

Common examples of failure to register include not:

  • Registering upon release from imprisonment
  • Renewing your registration at the proper interval
  • Providing all necessary or accurate information, including online usernames and profiles
  • Registering in a new state or county when you move
  • Registering in the county in which you regularly work
  • Registering in the county in which you attend college classes
  • Registering in the county in which you are vacationing for more than five days
  • Updating your registration with the sheriff’s office when your personal information has changed
  • Paying the fee associated with registration or renewal

Consequences of Failing to Register for the First Time

What you need to know when facing charges for failure to register is that a conviction will send you back to prison, potentially for an extended period of time. Failing to register as a sex offender in Ohio can lead to a charge just as serious as the original sex offense.

  • If you were originally convicted of a first-, second-, or third-degree felony, then you will be charged with a felony of the same level as the underlying offense for failure to register. You will face the same minimum or maximum penalty for that felony.
  • If you were originally required to register based on a fourth- or fifth-degree felony or a misdemeanor, then you will face a fourth-degree felony, punishable by six to 18 months in prison.

Consequences of Failing to Register a Subsequent Time

If you are accused of failing to register as a sex offender for a second, third, or subsequent time, you face even harsher penalties.

  • If the reason for your registration was a first-, second-, or third-degree felony, you will be charged with the same degree felony for your subsequent failure to register.
  • For other felony or misdemeanor underlying sex offenses, a subsequent failure to register leads to a third-degree felony, punishable by one to five years in prison.
  • All subsequent failures to register as a sex offender require a mandatory three-year prison sentence.

Failing to Register Can Add Years to Your Incarceration

A conviction for failure to register as a sex offender can easily lead to years in prison. If you were on community supervision, also known as probation, when you were charged with failing to register as a sex offender, then you may be required to finish your original prison sentence as well as complete your sentence for the new offense. For example, if you were allowed to go through a year of community supervision instead of a final year of imprisonment, you will need to finish that year in prison as well as complete up to 18 months for a first-time conviction for failure to register.

How a Cincinnati Failure to Register Lawyer Can Help

Failure to register as a sex offender is a serious crime and can be difficult to defend against without the help of an experienced and resourceful attorney like Brad Groene of Luftman, Heck & Associates. Our team has experience with failure to register cases. We will review your situation and determine the strongest defense under the law. If you were charged with this crime based on an innocent mistake, we will ensure the court understands these circumstances and your lack of intent to defy the law.

At Luftman, Heck & Associates, we understand you have already gone through enough. You faced your original charges and are trying to handle the consequences. If you now face another criminal charge because of a mistake, contact us right away for help. We will fight for your rights.

Contact Cincinnati sex crimes lawyer Brad Groene of Luftman, Heck & Associates by calling (513) 338-1890, using our live chat feature, or emailing us at