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Arlington Heights Criminal Defense Lawyer

Running into the police in Arlington Heights can be nerve wracking. If you were driving in a car, you could’ve blown through a red light and not even noticed. There may have been alcohol or drugs involved that exacerbated the situation. You might not even know why the officer is staring you down, but you do know that you don’t want a conviction.

Depending on the circumstances, it’s possible that you could face jail time, excessive fines, roadblocks in the development of your career or hunt for a job, limitations on privileges like driving and more. You might be frightened or confused. Being charged can feel isolating, right when you most need an ally.

In tough times like these, a local Arlington Heights criminal defense lawyer can give you the support you need. Call (513) 338-1890 to schedule a free and confidential consultation with someone from the Cincinnati law offices of Luftman, Heck & Associates.

DUI / OVI Charges in Arlington Heights

If an officer suspects you of driving while impaired by alcohol or drugs, it’s likely that you’ll be pulled over and asked to perform a breath test. In Ohio, simply having a driver’s license means that you have consented to a chemical test to test your blood alcohol content (BAC). If you refuse, you’ll still be charged with a crime, regardless of your drunk driving charges.

If you are arrested for an OVI, you’re facing penalties that include jail time, fines, recovery programs, the suspension of your license, a possible ignition lock and more. The penalties will escalate if you have a high BAC or if you’ve refused a chemical test in the last 20 years.

Hiring an attorney like Brad Groene gives you the best chance at getting a successful outcome in the courts. Brad has been practicing in the courts around Hamilton County for years, and he knows the ins and outs of the local judicial system.

Traffic Violations in Arlington Heights

Most traffic violations are minor misdemeanors that carry a fine, like:

  • Speeding
  • Failing to maintain a safe distance
  • Disobeying traffic control devices

A common mistake that many people make is to simply pay the ticket and not consider the other consequences. However, moving violations and other traffic charges can increase your insurance payment amounts and add points to your license. In Ohio, your driver’s license is automatically suspended after you’ve accumulated 12 points. If your job involves driving, a ticket can also endanger your commercial driver’s license.

Fortunately, there are experienced attorneys like Brad Groene that have been helping clients with traffic charges for years. You may even be able to get the charges and fines dropped.

Alcohol and Drug Charges in Arlington Heights

Drugs and alcohol are linked to many convictions. Hundreds of people are charged with alcohol and drug crimes every day, but that doesn’t lessen the penalties you’ll likely face.

The specifics of your case will determine the punishments that await you, but it’s likely that you’re facing the possibility of jail time, fines, community service and a rehabilitation program. The charges can be brought down on you for a number of activities involving substance use. You can be charged for the possession or sale of drugs, carrying an open container with alcohol in public, disorderly conduct under the influence or even the possession of drug paraphernalia.

You might feel embarrassed by an alcohol or drug charge. If you get a conviction, it can make your relationships awkward and threaten any employment opportunities you find for your best chance at a successful outcome in your case, turn to an Arlington Heights criminal defense lawyer. An attorney like Brad Groene may be able to get your charges reduced or even dropped.

Why Hire an Arlington Heights Criminal Defense Lawyer?

If you’ve been charged with a crime in Ohio a skilled local attorney can build the best case to get the best results possible. Brad Groene has been operating in Hamilton County for years, and his familiarity with the local courts has given him a proven track record. To see how he can help you, call now.

Live in Hamilton County, but charged somewhere else in Ohio or Northern Kentucky? Call Luftman, Heck & Associates today to get the best criminal defense representation in the area. We’re located in Cincinnati’s Business District, but we also serve Clermont County, Warren County, Butler County, Kenton County, and many more. Click here for a full list of the areas we service.

How a Arlington Heights Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Help You

The sooner you speak with a Hamilton County criminal defense lawyer, the better your options will be regarding your sentence. The Arlington Heights criminal defense team from Luftman, Heck & Associates has successfully defended hundreds of individuals charged with a number of criminal charges ranging from DUI traffic offenses, alcohol offenses, drug offenses, robbery, burglary, assault, weapons crimes, sex crimes, vandalism or even murder. If you are being investigated for a crime, attorney Brad Groene has the knowledge, experience and compassion to help you overcome your charge, receive the optimal outcome for your case, and receive the justice you deserve.

Contact Arlington Heights Criminal Defense Attorney Brad Groene

If you are being investigated for criminal charges or are being accused of a crime, call the Cincinnati criminal defense team of Luftman, Heck & Associates today at (513) 338-1890 or email us at Arlington Heights criminal defense lawyer Brad Groene is available 24/7 to answer your questions.