Wrong Answers on a Gun Application That Can Get You Arrested

Posted On: August 26th, 2021 by Bradley J. Groene
Gun and pen sitting on filled out form

Before exercising your right to bear arms, Ohio law requires you to complete a gun application and be issued a gun license. These applications are complex, and mistakes can be made if you’re not familiar with them. Although these mistakes may be made in good faith, wrong answers could still get you arrested.

You might face criminal charges for falsifying information on your gun application in Ohio. That’s why it’s essential to understand the questions to expect and ones to be cautious of.

When Can You Be Arrested For a Wrong Answer on a Gun Application?

Law enforcement is most interested in arresting people who knowingly put wrong answers down on their gun applications. However, law enforcement may still be suspicious of your application even if you unintentionally made an error. Under the law, you could be convicted for the following:

  • Intentionally giving inaccurate or false information when trying to get your license to carry or purchase a gun
  • Using a fake or altered ID to purchase a gun in Ohio

Common Questions on Gun Applications That Lead to Arrests

The questions asked on Ohio gun applications can often be worded in a way that may make it difficult to determine which answer is ultimately correct for you. Some of the most common questions, and the reasons why these answers can be complex, are as follows:

“Are You Under Indictment in Any Court for a Felony or Any Other Crime for Which the Judge Could Imprison You for More Than One Year?”

You must be sure that you are not currently under indictment in any court (in Ohio or another state) before answering “no” on your gun application. If you are unsure, check with your criminal defense attorney to find out.

“Have You Ever Been Convicted in Any Court of a Felony, or Any Other Crime for Which the Judge Could Have Imprisoned You for More Than One Year, even if You Received a Shorter Sentence Including Probation?”

This question asks if you could have received a sentence for more than one year, not whether you did. You should speak with a lawyer to determine whether this was possible for your former charges if you apply for a gun permit or purchase a firearm.

“Are You a Fugitive From Justice?”

If there are any warrants out in your name, you may be considered a fugitive from justice. Even unpaid court fees and child support could be enough to get a warrant issued for your arrest. You’ll have to answer those charges, plus any you face for wrong answers on your gun application if you answer this question inaccurately.

“Are You an Unlawful User Of, or Addicted To, Marijuana or Any Depressant, Stimulant, Narcotic Drug, or Any Other Controlled Substance?”

Ohio has medical marijuana laws in place. Marijuana is still illegal in many states and under federal law. You must be truthful if you receive medical marijuana or another controlled substance prescribed by a medical provider.

Get Help From a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Cincinnati

Gun applications in Ohio ask confusing questions. You could inadvertently jeopardize your gun rights with an incorrect or incomplete answer. Suppose you are under investigation or have been arrested and charged with crimes related to wrong answers on your gun application. In that case, you need a Cincinnati criminal defense lawyer at Luftman, Heck & Associates to help clear your name.

The penalties associated with a conviction could destroy your future. Don’t risk the rest of your life by not taking your charges seriously. Get your no-cost initial consultation today using our convenient contact form or call 513-338-1890.