OVI Reduced to Reckless Operation

Posted On: May 7th, 2014 by Bradley J. Groene

A man in his 50s was charged with OVI after he chose to drink alcohol while on prescription medications. He got behind the wheel of a car, and was pulled over by a law enforcement officer. In addition to the OVI, he was cited for failure to use a turn signal.

The man works as a traveling salesman, and the potential driver’s license suspension that comes with an OVI would have cost him his job. He knew he needed the help of a lawyer to sort out his case. He contacted attorney Brad Groene of the Cincinnati Criminal Defense team.

We reviewed his case and sought to have the results of his breath test, standardized field sobriety tests and the man’s statements dismissed as evidence in his OVI case. After numerous court dates and consultations with the Mason Municipal Court prosecutor, we were able to get the OVI reduced to a reckless operation violation. We convinced the judge to limit his driver’s license suspension to 90 days, and were able to secure very liberal driving privileges for the salesman so that he could keep his job.

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