Construction Zone Tickets and Fines

Posted On: July 21st, 2015 by Bradley J. Groene

Officers in Ohio are cracking down on speeding and other traffic violations in construction zones across the state. In fact, Cincinnati received $49,900 in federal traffic safety funding to specifically enforce traffic laws within construction zones in 2014 alone! This lead to a huge spike in construction zone tickets and fines. While last year’s financial incentives may no longer be in play, roads around Cincinnati have not seen a drop in construction zone enforcement actions.

In fact, as the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration continues to fund Ohio initiatives to prevent dangerous driving in construction zones (a common cause of deaths for both construction workers and drivers alike), we are likely to see an even sharper increase in construction zone tickets.

According to some Ohio police departments, officers no longer issue warnings for violations that occur in construction zones—only tickets. For this reason, so many drivers find themselves facing huge fines and additional points on their licenses for behaviors that may not have actually been dangerous within construction zones.

Double the Consequences for Construction Zone Tickets

In Ohio, tickets for traffic violations that occur within construction zones are a big deal, because you can face double the consequences as a normal ticket. First of all, the fine for any traffic violation that occurs within a construction zone is automatically doubled. This means that you will pay a significant fine, no matter how minor your offense.

Secondly, you can face twice the number of points. Although the Ohio traffic code does not specifically add extra points for violations that occur in a construction zone, offenses that show a “willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property” cost you four points on your license.

Often judges consider any offenses that occur around construction workers to be such a risk. Since most speeding and other minor traffic violation tickets only usually give you two points, this again doubles the consequences.

With so much at stake for a simple traffic offense, it often seems unfair to clients facing a construction zone ticket. However, just getting ticketed isn’t the end. With the help of an experienced Cincinnati traffic defense lawyer, you can fight the charges and in many cases, get them dismissed or reduced.

Don’t let a construction zone ticket ruin your driving record and cost you big. If you have been ticketed or arrested for a traffic violation in a construction zone, call Cincinnati traffic defense lawyer Brad Groene today at (513) 338-1890 for a free consultation on your case. Find out how he may be able to help.