Not long ago, a woman in her mid-thirties found herself in a devastating position after accusations of child endangerment were levied against her. The young mother took her three children to a local library and left them to work on their school work. In a familiar scenario for any parent, the children wandered around the library, but unfortunately, the facility contacted the authorities, who charged her with three counts of child endangerment. Not only were her children taken away, but the tragic situation put the young mother’s future in jeopardy since a conviction would severely limit her career opportunities, in addition to a possible six-month jail sentence and significant fines. In an effort to help her family and preserve her freedom, she reached out to the Cincinnati criminal defense attorneys of Luftman, Heck & Associates.
With the stakes being so high, she retained criminal defense attorney Bradley J. Groene , based on his experience dealing with emotionally charged issues. After consulting with his client, it was clear that she wanted to fight the charges and was not interested in accepting any plea agreements offered by the prosecution. Attorney Groene vehemently defended his client during a trial and once he presented the facts of the case, he achieved a not guilty verdict. The woman was elated since this vindication allowed her to avoid a life-shattering conviction and regain custody of children, so they could move on as a family.
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